Partners and dataproviders

  • 3D maps

    We transform the maps into stunning 3D visuals, encompassing both outdoor maps and satellite images. This provides you with a more vivid preview of your adventure, before you enter the backcountry.

  • Avalanche bulletin

    We provide you with the most recent avalanche forecast for your tour. Highlighting the current avalanche problems.

  • Rated slopes

    Our routes are classified into the different terrain complexity levels in the ATES scale, for you to better select the perfect slope for the current conditions.

  • Avalanche maps

    Our avalanche maps are best in class. Easily identify avalanche start zones and runout areas.

  • Weather forecast

    For every route we provide you with weatherforecast for bottom and top location, at your fingertips.

  • Tour catalogue

    With our database of tour suggestions, Skida helps you find new backountry skiing adventures in areas you’re not so familiar.

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